Soft Veneer and Plywood

Today’s market size is the value of soft veneer and plywood consumed in the United States in 2007 and 2011. This figure is referred to as apparent consumption as it is the result of the following calculation: the value of U.S. made product shipments, less exports, plus imports. In the case of soft veneer and plywood, as in the case of all construction materials, the years since 2007 have been very difficult as the industry works through the collapse of the housing market and… builds back very slowly. Production fell over this period by 23% while exports grew by the same percentage and imports dropped by 42%.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2007 and 2011
Market size: $4.28 billion and $3.09 billion respectively
Sources: (1) “Value of Exports, General Imports, and Imports by Country and by 6-digit NAICS,” U.S. International Trade Statistics, a data set kept by the U.S. Census Bureau and made available online here. (2) “Manufacturing: Subject Series: Industry-Product Analysis: Industry Shipments by Products, 2007,” 2007 Economic Census, data on NAICS 321212, available online with all the Economic Census reports from the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder web site here. (3) “Value of Product Shipments: Value of Products for Product Classes, 2010 and 2011,” Annual Survey of Manufactures, available online through the American FactFinder site but more specifically, here
Original source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Posted on February 11, 2014