Size of the Foodservice Disposables Market

This category includes all the many disposable items used by restaurants and fast food establishiments: dishes, cups, aprons, trays, etc.

Geographic reference: World
Year: 2008
Market size: $40.5 billion
Source: “World Foodservice Disposables,” November 2009 available online here.

1 thought on “Size of the Foodservice Disposables Market

  1. That’s a huge market. I hate to think that all that disposable waste is going to our landfills, or worse, to our rivers, streams, forests or oceans. (think The Great Pacific Garbage Patch). I encourage all restaurant owners and anybody for that matter that use disposable foodservice products to please switch to biodegradable products for these purposes. To learn more about the benefits of biodegradable disposable dishware go to Thanks.

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