Gambling & Gaming Business

Measuring the market for gambling and gaming is tricky because of the variety of activities covered. Some studies will include aspects of the gaming industry that other studies exclude, an example being state run lotteries. Consequently, one sees citations that vary greatly about the size of the gaming business.

The measurement presented here is from the American Gaming Association, a trade association and lobbying group with offices in Washington, DC. This market size is based on gross gambling revenues for all of the following gaming types: Card Rooms, Commercial Casinos, Charitable Games and Bingo, Indian Casinos, Legal Bookmaking, Lotteries, and Pari-Mutuel Wagering.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2007
Market size: $92.27 billion, gross gambling revenue
Source: “Gaming Revenue: Current-Year Data,” available online here.
Original source: Christiansen Capital Advisors LLC