
Florists are another retailing segment that has suffered declines as a result of sales transactions of its primary product moving onto the Internet. Florists still handle many things that are not as easily done online. They likely still handle the bulk of large orders and of event related floral needs. But, the decline in their establishment counts, sales and employment do suggest that part of their traditional business has gone elsewhere.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 1997 and 2007
Market size: Number of Establishments: 26,200 and 19,609 respectively.
Market size: Sales: $6.55 and $6.28 billion respectively.
Market size: Employment: 125,195 and 93,683 respectively.
Source: “Sector 44: EC0744I2: Retail Trade: Industry Series: Preliminary Comparative Statistics for the United States (2002 NAICS Basis): 2007 and 2002,” 2007 Economic Census, available online here. The data from 1997 are from the 1997 Economic Census, after conversion of the data to a NAICS 2002 basis.
Original source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.