
Interest in cooperatives is on the rise as people look to community-rooted alternatives to the dominance of huge, global banks, enormous retailing giants with little link to the local community, and empty main street store fronts. Cooperatives, or co-ops, are nonprofit businesses of various types such as credit unions and stores. These co-ops are created when members pool money in order to set up, manage and run the organizations on behalf of their members. Today’s market size is the estimated number of such cooperatives in the United States and the estimated value of the revenue they generate annually as of 2010.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: Forecast for 2010
Market size: 29,000 Co-ops generating $654 billion in revenues
Source: Amy Cortese, “Buying Underwear, Along With the Whole Store,” The New York Times, November 13, 2011, page B1, available online here.
Original source: University of Wisconsin
Posted on November 14, 2011