Public School Students

School bus arrives on day 1

As the summer comes to a close and school-aged children head back to school we present the estimated number of children in the United States attending public elementary or secondary schools during the 2011-2012 academic year. Worth noting is the fact that, based on 2010 U.S. Census data, there were 53,980,105 people in the United States between 5 and 17 years of age, the age range of the majority of those in the elementary and secondary school system at the beginning of an academic year.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2011-2012
Market size: 49,255,742 students, 61.4% of whom were elementary level students and 38.6% secondary school level students.
Source: “Highlights Table 1. 2011–12 versus 2010–11: Estimates for 50 States and D.C. Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts,” page 66. Rankings & Estimates, a report by the National Education Association (NEA) dated December 2011, available online here. The population figure mentioned above is from a U.S. Census Bureau report, available here.
Original source: NEA
Posted on September 4, 2012