Luxury Massage Chairs


The term “stress” is heard frequently these days and is often associated with a long list of both mental and physical ailments. There are also many industries that offer to sell stress relieving aids, from consumables like specially formulated juices and deep penetrating lotions to gym memberships and spa resort getaways. Massage has long been a way to relax, to reduce stress. So the idea of a chair that will massage your entire body whenever you want has a natural appeal for those looking for ways to relieve or reduce stress.

Today’s market size is the approximate value of the luxury massage chair market in the United States in 2012, based on estimates from one of the industry’s leaders. This market size refers to fully automated massage chairs and not chairs used by masseurs/masseuses, also called massage chairs. Luxury massage chairs are a high-end product often costing several thousand dollars. Nonetheless, the luxury massage chair industry is a tiny part of the overall group of industries whose products and services are aimed at stress reduction.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2012
Market size: $250 million
Source: Bruce Horovitz, “All Stressed Out? Business Will Sell You Some Peace,” USA Today, August 5, 2013, available here. The photo is from the Inada web site here.
Original source: Inada
Posted on September 6, 2013