Hearing Aids and Instruments

The market for hearing aids is on a growth path as the population in the industrialized world ages. Demographics point in one direction for this industry, up. The rising costs of health care generally are of some concern to this industry because it suggests that changes are coming in how medical insurance systems will handle reimbursements for such devices. Demand, however, is expected to rise.

Today’s market size is the estimated number of hearing instruments sold around the world each year, based on figures for 2011. The number of units sold does not include Cochlear implants nor Middle-Ear implants, rather it refers to hearing aid devices that do not require surgical implantation.

Geographic reference: World
Year: 2011
Market size: 10 million units valued at $6.5 billion, which includes hardware only.
Source: “Hearing Loss Treatment Market Profile,” Hearing Instruments: Hearing Loss = Profits, May 24, 2012, page 32, Cheuvreux–Credit Agricole Group. This investment report is available online here.
Original source: CA Cheuvreux
Posted on July 3, 2013