E-Commerce Sales on Cyber Monday

The estimate of how much is sold on a single day is of limited use to anyone but it is something reported on and tracked by the retail industry. And when that day is either the day after Thanksgiving or, for the online world, the Monday following Thanksgiving, interest in the estimates is particularly high as they are believed to foreshadow the level of retail sales for the rest of that year.

Today’s market size is an estimated range of the total sales generated by e-commerce websites on Monday, November 28, 2011.

Geographic reference: World
Year: Nov. 28, 2011
Market size: $1.17 to $1.2 billion
Source: Claire Cain Miller, “A Shopping Day Invested for the Web Comes Alive,” The New York Times, Nov. 29, 2011, page B1, available online here.
Original source: comScore and IBM Benchmark
Posted on December 8, 2011