Chewy, Juicy, Gooey Candy Market

Most of us think of candy as, well, candy. But within the industry, of course, candy is divided up into segments and tracked carefully. One of those candy segments is called the “chewy candy sector” and includes such things as gummies, jelly beans, Twizzlers, Sweet Strings ‘n Sour Rings, Starbursts, Gummibursts, etc. Some refer to this segment of the market as gummies and jellies.

Today’s market size is the estimated total sales of chewy candies in the United States in 2010.
Happy Halloween!

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2010
Market size: $2.2 billion
Source: Grace Weitz, “Companies Juiced with New Gummy Products,” Candy Industry, April 28, 2011, available online here
Original source: Mintel
Posted on October 31, 2011