
The total number of road bridges presented in this market size post can be broken down by whether these are rural bridges or urban area bridges. Rural bridges make up 74% of the total and urban bridges 26%. According to the source, nearly a quarter of these bridges are in poor shape, defined as either structurally deficient or, more ominously, functionally obsolete.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2009
Market size: 601,078 bridges
Source: “Table 1-5: Number of Road Bridges by Functional System: 2009,” State Transportation Statistics 2009, page A-5.
Original source: Research and Innovation Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation

Miles of Toll Roads

The vast majority of roads in the United States are freeways, in the true sense of the word, no direct fee for use is charged for traveling those roads. Only a very small number of toll roads exist in the United States, as of 2008. That number will likely grow if the trend towards the privatizing of previously public activities continues.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2008
Market size: 4,919.6 miles
Source: “Table 1-3: Toll Roads, Toll Bridges and Tunnels, and Toll Ferry Routes: 2008,” State Transportation Statistics 2009, page A-3.
Original source: Research and Innovation Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation

Roads in Texas

As a nation of heavy drivers, it is not surprising that we have an awful lot of paved roads. And in this nation of drivers, the largest state in terms of the number of miles of paved roads is Texas. While Alaska is the state with the larger geographical area, it is sparsely populated compared to Texas, the state with the second largest number of square miles.

Geographic reference: Texas
Year: 2008
Market size: 306,404 miles
Source: “Table 1-1: Public Road Length, Miles by Functional Systems: 2008,” State Transportation Statistics 2009, page A-1.
Original source: Research and Innovation Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation

Paved Roads

Roads by Type

As a nation of heavy drivers, it is not surprising that we have an awful lot of paved roads. The market size presented here is for miles of paved, public roads in the United States. The chart shows how those roads are broken down by type: interstate freeways, other highways (arteries), smaller roads feeding the highway system (collector roads), and local roads.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2008
Market size: 4,042,778 miles
Source: “Table 1-1: Public Road Length, Miles by Functional Systems: 2008,” State Transportation Statistics 2009, page A-1.
Original source: Research and Innovation Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation