Canned Clams

U.S. canned clam production in 2010 is the market size today. The value per pound for canned clams in 2010 was just shy of one dollar ($0.89). As compared with the highest volume canned fish product, namely tuna, canned clams were 27.7% of tuna by weight and 13.5% by value.

Geographic reference: United States
Year: 2010
Market size: 109.3 million pounds at a value of $97.2 million
Source: “Fisheries of the United States–2010,” August 2011, page 42, available online from the National Marine Fisheries Service website, here.
Original source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Science and Technology, National Marine Fisheries Service, USDA
Posted on October 25, 2012